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on energy

on energy

definitions of energy on the web:

  • (physics) a thermodynamic quantity equivalent to the capacity of a physical system to do work; the units of energy are joules or ergs; "energy can take a wide variety of forms"
  • a healthy capacity for vigorous activity; "jogging works off my excess energy"; "he seemed full of vim and vigor"
  • any source of usable power;
  • in physics, energy (from the greek ἐνέργεια - energeia, "activity, operation", from ἐνεργός - energos, "active, working") is a scalar physical quantity that describes the amount of work that can be performed by a force, an attribute of objects and systems that is subject to a conservation law. …

in all these definitions and examples the missing element – , which einstein sought as the unifying theory of relativity – is the nature of things for whose purpose of being the energy is necessary. the relativity of form- purpose-motion-energy is a very obvious aspect of the eco-process. every element of nature is in motion, and every motion is propelled by an inborn relationship between the form and function. energy is not a thing in itself, nor is an elemental form devoid of its motion or motion without justification. thus the above example: “jogging burns off my excess energy” is not a right example, for energy not being a physical form, cannot be burned off. fire cannot burn itself.

the modern mode of living since the renaissance is primarily motivated by the fear of the known unknown, as well as the unknown unknown. the dreadful effects of the known unknowns are seen in others who have met the unknown: the loss of job, the loss of social standing, and all such known events causing hardships in maintaining the known way of life. the unknown unknown is the fear of death, not just the total death, but also the death of one's known image in others' eyes. all these imaginary fears then require energy to ward off the imaginary consequences, or to retain forever the niche in the favorable socioeconomic set up.

what happens to one after one dies? this is the nagging question that arises in those persons who are only technically alive, that is, they are not physically dead yet, but nevertheless, they are not alive in the eco-centric form and function. eco-centrically a human person is a social animal. no one lives alone, even in solitary cave in some imaginary himalayan region.. even the legendary buddha took with him his quest for an evolved way of life devoid of the four great pains and suffering for which he renounced the palace life. the fear of death is not ecologically natural, it is a learnt and borrowed thought. except for the days of intense fasting, buddha was physically supported by others providing him with food, clothes and shelter. a healthy wholesome human being is living an interdependent life linking one with all things and beings forming the varied motions of life for which one's biological and mental capacities generate the necessary energy.

in ecological manifestations of life and other forms, each one is endowed with this form-function-energy linkage in perfect harmony. no creature, including the non-urban humans needs the vitamin peels or energy boosting steroids and sex-drive potions for the normal motions of life, be it the mundane chores or the act of procreation.

the above internet example of “jogging” as the means “to burning up the excess energy “ is the reason why the goldman sachs has built 45,000 square feet gym for its employees. it is an expensive sweat shop. now even the indian elites have started going to burn up the excess energy, as obesity has begun to show up in india and china and other countries that have embraced the western notion of existence formed of thought: “i think, there fore i am.” now thinking is an integral function of the brains, human or otherwise. it is nothing but a perceptive process of the living organism to connect with the other elements that together form the next form in synchronized motions of the flow of life. when thinking happens organically, it is called instinctive awareness forming the conditioned reflex, such as eyelids close in dusty winds. the other kind of thinking occurs when there is a time distance between the necessary motion and its absence in the immediate moment, such as looking for a restroom in an unknown place such as an airport or restaurant.

this second kind of thinking is urban, verbal and it is learnt , acquired. since humans are social animals, and any group dwelling requires the mutuality of understanding of things, thoughts and actions, the mutuality of thinking as a process becomes .a primary condition for the group forming. the primary unit of group is the family. in it there is a female, a male and their children. of them, the two adults mull over the issue at hand and work out a way of doing the necessary thing in a mutually satisfying way. the children follow it through examples. in a new situation, like being in an airport, even adults follow the instructions posted or told. this works well until the instructed and followed action fails to produce the needed satisfaction; a malfunctioning commode, for instance.

urban culture is not an ecologically organic occurrence. cities did not grow larger like giraffe's neck to reach up to the leaves at the tree top. most cities grew in numbers faster than in facilities required by the ever growing influx of people. city is a product of the concentrated labour force forcefully brought together at the factory premises. any nondemocratic gathering together of humans, whether at home or in a factory or field work; the governing of city or state, requires the imposition of a thinking of one person upon others who are denied a say. and all such actions require an added energy both on the part of the imposing authority and the imposed upon subjects. this energy then necessitates the forms of production of that energy and its retainers, generally known as the sweat shops and weapons industry. any such means and methods of energy productions also hurt and kill other creatures, too. even the harmless looking wind mill, when turned into a farm, affects the migrating birds.

the concentrated human mass still has to have those biological functions that are not required by the work in factories and management cubicles. of these, the main three, dwelling place, nourishment of the body and the relieving of the waste, both human and household garbage, require a great deal of energy. take a large city like new york or tokyo, for instance. the congregated number of residents there in a confined area produce millions of tones of waste. now see this in comparison with the equally large number of the wildebeests of africa. they, excrete the dung. but theirs gets trampled into earth as the rich manure fertilizer producing the lush green vegetation that supports the wild life. the human excrement flushed into the drainage system emptying it into the hudson bay does not enrich the ocean water for the marine life.

"it followed from the special theory of relativity that mass and energy are both but different manifestations of the same thing -- a somewhat unfamiliar conception for the average mind. furthermore, the equation e is equal to m c-squared, in which energy is put equal to mass, multiplied by the square of the velocity of light, showed that very small amounts of mass may be converted into a very large amount of energy and vice versa. the mass and energy were in fact equivalent, according to the formula mentioned above. this was demonstrated by cockcroft and walton in 1932, experimentally." – albert einstein.

albert einstein was considered to be instrumental in conversion of the mass into energy in accelerating way with the velocity of the speed of light. his explanation of the his famous equation of e= mc2 , quoted here refers not to the scientific search for truth of given matter, but rather the abuse of scientific search as the applied science in the service of a very unscientific notion of existence in which the emperor does not want to keep growing. what george bernard shaw had said of the 19th century english women: “woman's age begins at 16; then she becomes 17, then 18, then 19, then 19, then 19...” it applies more to men in position of power. once enthroned these emperors and their modern day versions, the presidents do not want to get out of that stance. there were u.s. senators who could barely stutter a word, and yet had hung on to their positions of power. their subdued subjects, too, do not let go of their conditioning to revere the authority, be that a king/queen or a leader, political or spiritual, a pope, mahatma or a mother superior. this retaining of positions, physical or in people's eyes, too, requires physical and mental energy. when observed from a perspective which is free of the conditioned thinking, a country does get managed without the ceremonial head of state. so, too, the two chambers of congress along with the presidency would seem to be repeating thrice the functions that one body of congress can do.

so far the ideal democracy, the people's self governance comes closer in concept only. in reality, the white house of the u.s. is no less a presidential palace, and its dweller enjoys the pomp no emperor has ever had. now whether a president of united states or a queen of england or a pope or a street sweeper or a beggar, the ecological biology of all of them equalizes them in their biological existence. they all have the same biological needs and functions. the pyramids, mayan and aztek monuments; taj mahals and national cemeteries; temples and churches and national monuments are all created for this ideological purpose, which seem useless, and tumble down, as soon as the reining ideology changes, such as the statue of the bamiyan budddha and sadam hussein were toppled.

burying the live wives and servants along with the dead kings is not practiced now, but having an in-spendable amount of wealth is very much in vogue. the media publishes the periodical list of the ten richest men of the world. much of the stuff for sale is to pamper this ideological image of the wealth, and much of that has no biological justification for the user. in fact, it has rather the adverse effect. it is by no accident that the obesity is on rise even in the rich of the poor nations. these material goods deny the biological necessities for motion.

the goldman sach, a commercial conglomerate built the biggest gym for its cubically enclosed employees to sweat out a little. the verbally educated people have been increasingly noticing the need of their biological beings to move, make their hearts beat faster for awhile in strenuous exercise. exercise involves nothing but the physical motion of limbs and organs that the non urban humans have in their mundane chores of existence. some of these motions are denied to the city dwellers simply by living in the city. then they are gradually transformed into consumers, and each new gadget they buy robs them off one more physical activity. these mechanical devices consume energy and store the physical energy in the layers of fat. thus the europeans and americans top the list of the obese people, and the affluent of the third world try to outdo them in obesity.

what these joggers and gymnastic enthuse people do not see is that it is the sweat the same if it is produced in some work for common good rather than the work out in spa for the illusive personal good. what keeps the middle class from working in the field and cooperative workshops is the sense of shame of being identified with the blue collar workers, and it is only a thought out identity, for their biological bodies are happy in motions of life.

and the much of the modern living is spent in producing means and methods of the energy production that safeguards the survival of the middle class, the white collar work force in the service of the rich, by creating their little niches in the comparative comfort zone in the apartheid regime. gandhi had told the mill workers that, “ it is not in the interests of the rich to cooperate with the poor; it is in the interests of the poor to non cooperate with the rich.” and the rich can distinguish themselves only through the devices of unecological forms and functions and their motions of life made of descriptions.

now the question to the co-thinker of this matter: how much of one's time, mind and energy is spent in creating or trying to create an image of oneself in others eyes, an image that requires things made of descriptions, the title, insignia, pins, stripes, status, comparative worth, and anything and every thing that separates one from the rest of the human mass? it is this ideal self that creates the “me” and mine, not yours, so hands off my property, be it material, intellectual or even emotional, like love that is possessive, and hence exclusive; it creates us as against them, creates apartheid, and to retain which wars.

and war, with its military-industrial complex is the biggest energy wasting device of all.

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